Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunrise - Sunset

Today I will start the week with sunrises and sunsets. This year I will try to get some pictures of the sunrises and sunsets here in Washington. There are some amazing sunrises when the sun shines on the snow covered Olympic mountains in the winter/spring so I will work on that.

Here is a sunrise in Namibia with the sun coming up over the Dune Sea in the Namib Desert.
This is a sunrise on the Serengeti Plain in Tanzania.
This is a sunrise in Konso in Ethiopia, on a hike I did that morning with the hills I was going up and down I actually had the sun rise on me 5 times.
Here is a sunset over the west bank of the Nile river in Aswan, Egypt while sailing on a felucca. Here is a sunset, even though you can't see the sun. This is with the sun shining on the skyline and harbor of Melbourne, Australia.

Here is the final sunset for the post, it is in Glenelg, just south of Adelaide, Australia.

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