Monday, March 29, 2010

Beer Festivals in Seattle

I was inspired on Friday when a friend was letting me know about a beer event coming up in May. They were letting me know about Seattle Beer Week. Seattle Beer Week is May 13-23 so it is really Seattle Beer Week-and-a-half! I was unable to attend any of the events last year during that week and probably won't be able to this week but it is worth posting about a few of these evnets in case others are interested.
An upcoming event that I was able to attend last year and was very fun is Hop-Scotch which takes place at the Fremont Studios in Fremont. This event is a fundraiser for the Seattle International Film Festival. It is named for the beer and scotch tasting but there is also tequila and wine tasting also. This is coming up in less than a month on April 23-24.

Another one that is this summer is the Seattle International Beerfest, which is July 2-4 at the Seattle Center.

Fremont Oktoberfest is another event in Fremont and this takes place September 24-26 as the non-intuitively named Oktoberfest actually takes place in September. At this event they have a "Miss Buxom" contest and the "Texas Chainsaw Pumpkin Carving" as well.

In October the Great Pumpkin Beer Festival takes place at the Elysian Brewery in Capitol Hill.
This is not an exhaustive list of events and festivals in Seattle as the Washington Cask Beer Festival was this weekend and a number of bars, breweries and retailers have special events throughout the year also. Feel free to add to this with any other beer events you know about, I would be interested in trying to attend some of them.

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