Monday, March 8, 2010

Waterfalls Week

OK, I skipped posting yesterday but I have something special for this week. It is a theme week about waterfalls. Some are famous, I have been to some, some are big, some are tall but most important of all none of them are a pop song from the 90s by TLC!!!
Check back each day to see about another waterfall. The ones I haven't been to, I really want to go to.

Even though this is a post about the theme of the week I will post a picture of a waterfall. I have not been to this fall but I have been close. This is Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon in Arizona. I have been to the bottom of the Grand Canyon on a helicoptor tour and to the south rim in the national park but some day I would like to hike into the canyon and see some of the wonders like this that are there.

1 comment:

  1. You don't have Iguazu Falls!
