Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls are actually a set of two waterfalls on the Niagara river. This waterfall forms the border between the US and Canada between the Great Lakes of Ontario and Erie. As I noted in Monday's post the height of the falls is 167 feet. Niagara Falls is a very large tourist area with most of the facilities located on the Canadian side of the falls as that is how tourists access the Horseshoe falls.
This is a picture of the Horseshoe falls from a viewing tower on the Canadian side. You can see the Maid of the Mist just below the falls.

This is a picture of the American falls from the same tower.

I have been to these falls but I don't have any photos of my own anymore. There are also a series of tunnels under and behind part of the horseshoe falls that you can visit.

The main distinction I have made after visiting both Niagara and Victoria Falls is that Niagara is more picturesque due to it being more open and visible, while Victoria is more immersive because you are so close to the falls and can feel the power of the falls up close.

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