Monday, March 15, 2010


OK, now that waterfall week is over at No-Profundity we will be back to a different topic each day. Don't worry if you didn't get to see your favorite waterfall or didn't get your fill of them in general, I am sure there will be a Waterfall Week Part Deux in the future.
Dice - Today I was inspired by my tie as it has a pair of dice on it so there is the topic... Dice are generally the 6-sided cubes with dots on each side noting a number. These dots are actually called pips, which I think is interesting and a little funny. You can find this type of dice in many board games or in casinos but there are many other types and shapes as well as you will see below. I also found it interesting to learn that the oldest known dice were found in a 5000 year-old backgammon set in Iran. Here are some non-cubical dice that you might find in some more modern games.

Here are some fuzzy dice that are similar to what I am sure you have seen on car mirrors before except these are 20-sided fuzzy dice from thinkgeek. The picture is a link to them.
OK, so that is it for today and all I have about dice!

1 comment:

  1. I have a pattern for sewing a D-20 purse.

    Someday I will totally make it, even though I'm not a gamer. Because it will be awesome.
